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Ultimately this is a difficult debate as it lies in moral territory. Every single person will have their own opinion, and usually moral beliefs are influenced by their religion or cultural background.

Many religions state a common belief that any intervention in the natural process of death is a violation to their God, whether it is a murder, suicide, or assisting a suicide. Christianity states that life is a gift from God, and a responsibility in their life is to honor God by living. It is God who determines when we must fulfill the cycle of life and when we must die, and conflict is immoral.
Some groups argue the need for religion to be banned when discussing the legality of assisted suicide. For some people, a religious perspective means that they are unable to consider any other perspective, which makes the debate ineffective. Religious arguments have not evolved over the decades, resulting in the argument being repetitive and not constructive. 
Due to the influence of differing moral stance, assisted suicide, like abortion, is ian issue where it is impossible to reach a unanimous decision. One group will always feel that they have the moral highground. 


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